Friday, November 05, 2004

From the desk of The Movie Snob:

The Motorcycle Diaries (B). This is a slow, meandering movie about a slow, meandering journey up the entire length of South America by two friends -- one of whom would eventually become the Communist revolutionary "Che" Guevara. Although my understanding is that Guevara was a murderous thug by the time he was killed himself for trying to bring the revolution to Bolivia, at the time of the events in this movie he was only about 23, a medical-school student out to experience life to the full before returning to his middle-class existence in Buenos Aires. He and his older friend Alberto Granados set off on an ancient motorcycle and have an 8-month adventure exploring Argentina, Chile, Peru, etc. Already more serious and thoughtful than his older friend, Guevara is deeply affected by the poverty and injustice he sees during their journey, and he more than once displays the intransigence and absolute devotion to telling the truth (as he sees it) that are characteristic of the revolutionary. Interesting story, great scenery, but I think a bit of a white-washing of the full Guevara story. (See articles about this issue here and here.)


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