Monday, April 14, 2003

Book review:

Cad: Confessions of a Toxic Bachelor, by Rick Marin. Being a bachelor myself, I picked this book up with some interest, not realizing at the time that it is apparently creating quite a stir in the publishing world. Marin is a Canadian free-lance writer who moved to New York, married an American chick in his mid-twenties, and got divorced three years later after she started cheating on him. That's when, at the beginning of the 1990's, he embarked on his quest for the perfect woman and his life as a toxic bachelor. His descriptions of the many women he dates are often very funny, and I couldn't blame him for trying to lose the freaky and horrid ones as quickly as possible. Then again, some of them seem perfectly nice, and I wound up thinking at a few points that Marin really is just a jerk and a user after all. In the end, though, I concluded that he's probably no worse than the average guy, and he undoubtedly has a gift for writing. Apparently there's going to be a movie made out of the book, and I imagine it will be very funny.


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