Monday, May 31, 2004

From the Movie Snob:

A Day Without a Mexican (C+). A heavy-handed message movie that was nevertheless fairly entertaining. For no apparent reason, the entire Hispanic population of California disappears without a trace. Moreover, a strange impassable fog bank completely surrounds the state, severing all communications with the outside world. The state’s economy quickly starts to flounder (because apparently a third of the state is Hispanic), and a state of emergency begins to develop. To emphasize the already-obvious point, little factoids are occasionally thrown up on the screen, such as a blurb that 20% (I think that’s the right figure) of all elementary and high-school teachers in California are Hispanic. So the message that Hispanic people are important too is not subtle, and the movie is just too long. On the other hand, the whole thing is done with a decent sense of humor and of the absurd (like a couple of “scientists” with outlandish theories about where all the Hispanics went). If you’ve already seen everything else at the megaplex, give this one a look.


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