Monday, December 20, 2004

That Guy Named David weighs in:

Ocean's Twelve (C)

As an admitted fan of Ocean's Eleven (the re-make), this movie was on my list of "must-sees" over the holidays. After sitting through 2 hours of this dud, however, the expectations were not even close to being met. Basic premise: Ocean (Clooney) and his gang have 2 weeks to get casino boss Terry Benedict's (Garcia's) money to him or they will be killed. Now, maybe it was just me, but I thought the whole idea behind Ocean's Eleven was that they pulled off this great heist without having Benedict know it was them behind it. Well, that premise of the first movie is destroyed in the first 20 minutes of this movie. And after the new premise is revealed, the story fragments about 50 times and then makes a very weak attempt at the end to pull everything together. Simply put, they were trying to hard to make an intricate, complex caper and failed miserably in doing so. The great part of the first movie was that the story was relatively simple to follow, yet the details of the heist itself were interesting and kept your attention. The sequel, however, seemed to get bogged down at times and then would try its damndest to be clever and send the viewer on loops that were unnecessary and took away from the story. And don't get me started on the Julia Roberts role (you'll understand when you watch the movie). Weak. Wait till it comes out on video.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this a little better than David did. I thought the plot twists were kind of fun. There were a few details, however, that went unexplained, and there were a few things in the movie, that were just impossible--but that's Hollywood for you. The guy who plays the Nightfox was great, and I especially liked the scene where he is dodging lazer lights. That was fun. I would give this one a B.
-Movie Man Mike

9:27 AM  

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