Friday, June 16, 2006

A Prairie Home Companion

New review by The Movie Snob

A Prairie Home Companion (B). I saw this movie last weekend, but I'm only now getting around to blogging about it. It's just a comfortable little movie with a few laughs and a lot of nostalgia. I've never listened to Garrison Keillor's long-running radio show of the same name, but the premise of this movie is that his radio station up in Minnesota has been bought out by some soulless Texas corporation, and the action all takes place during his last show from this old-timey theater. It's a variety show with performers like a past-their-prime sister act (Lily Tomlin, Meryl Streep) and a couple of joke-telling and singing cowboys (Woody Harrelson, John C. Reilly). A very skinny Lindsey Lohan shows up as Streep's suicide-obsessed, bad-poetry-writing daughter. Kevin Kline is on hand as Guy Noir, the theater's bumbling but dapper security chief. And Tommy Lee Jones shows up as the corporate heavy from the Lone Star State. An enjoyable wisp of a movie.


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