Friday, October 06, 2006

Yo ho ho and a bottle of blah

Movie review from The Movie Snob

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dean Man's Chest (C). I liked the original Pirates, but I didn't love it. As a result, I may be one of the last people in the country to see Dead Man's Chest in the theaters. It was very mediocre. Like the first one, it was way too long. Unlike the first one, I was never clear on exactly why our three protagonists were doing all their energetic running around all over the Caribbean Sea. I mean, the object of their quest was clear enough, but the particular value of that object was totally obscure to me. Maybe they explained it and I just missed it; I had a hard time understanding what the characters were saying towards the beginning of the movie. On the plus side, the action sequences were pretty good, like the scenes featuring the kraken, a truly humongous giant-squid-type creature. but even some of the action sequences got a little silly, like an extended swordfight on top of a runaway water wheel. And there was a decent surprise at the very end, which of course only sets up the third installment, tentatively subtitled "At World's End." I can only imagine how long that voyage is going to take.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are at least 3 people in Houston who have not seen this movie.

12:55 PM  

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