Monday, March 26, 2007

TMNT, The Prestige

New reviews from Nick at Nite


My two and half year old son was such a trooper on Sunday that when he asked to see a movie we relented. He couldn't sit still or even close to still during Happy Feet and so we were concerned that a movie would be a bad idea, but we didn't want to disappoint him. So, recognizing that the only thing near family friendly was the animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we set aside our better parental judgment, loaded the family wagon, and headed to the theater. I thought about giving the movie two reviews, one as if I had gone by myself and one as I went, with my little buddy. I decided that was not fair to the movie or my son. Honestly, if you are over the age of twelve and you go to this movie, by yourself, on a date, or in another group of adults ... you need to put away the Dungeon and Dragons set and move out of your mom's basement. My son loved this movie. When he was not staring at the screen munching away at popcorn, he was asking us to look at the movie, clapping, and cheering on the Ninja Turtles. He stood for a good portion of the movie, leaning over the seat in front of him, and desperately trying to get close to the action. Watching him enjoy the movie was worth the price of admission. As for the plot, something about a 3000 year old curse and bad guys with Ninja skills fighting against the Ninja Turtles who are trying to remember that they are brothers and really need each other to accomplish their goals. I give it a "B." My son would give it an "A," assuming he realized "A" meant really good.

The Prestige

Huh? It is a little hard to follow. Is it a flash forward, a flashback, or something different altogether? Or was it simply hard to follow because Christian Bale's accent is thicker than anything dealt with in My Fair Lady? All in all not a bad movie. It is not as good as the other illusionist inspired flick, The Illusionist, but it is worth a view. The movie stars Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale who as magicians and illusionists become rivals following a terrible accident that kills Hugh Jackman's wife. There are many twists and turns as these rivals try and out do each other and sabotage one another's magic tricks. I had no idea where the movie was headed until the very end. So, I give it an "A" for originality, but a "C" for not being as good as The Illusionist, which gives the movie a "B" average.


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