Sunday, August 26, 2007

Three New DVD Reviews from Nick at Nite


Rear Window for the teen set. It is not exactly the same as the Alfred and Jimmy masterpiece, but it is pretty close. Teenager is placed in Martha Stewart lockdown at his house for three months over the summer after he punches his Spanish teacher. Teenager starts to spy on his neighbors and watch the goings on in the neighborhood. Of course, the goings on are bad goings on, and our teenager must deal with it. Even though it is a copy, it isn't all bad. This is worth a rental. I give it a "B."

Ocean's Thirteen

Ocean's Fourteen, Ocean's Fifteen, Ocean's Sixteen . . . as far as I am concerned they can keep making these movies until the end of time. I know it is a formula. I know it is campy. I know it is a continuation of a remake from the original rat pack. Still, I like 'em. These heist films are fantastic. The how-did-they-do-that and comedic bent make them better than the fare you normally see at the cineplex. Sure, my wife likes Pitt, Clooney, and Damon, but that is not main reason we like these movies. We have fun at them. Isn't that what it is all about? You know, it looks like the actors had fun making this movie. I give it an "A."

The Ex

I don't know how I feel about this movie. It has a bunch of actors I like. Jason Bateman, Zach Braff, Charles Grodin, Amanda Peet, and Mia Farrow. It has some laughs, I always like that. But, it also had some of those fleeting moments of uncomfortableness seen in What About Bob? (why won't Billy Murray leave Richard Dreyfuss alone?), The Break Up (when it this gonna get funny?), and Swingers (did he really call ten times in a row?) that make my stomach hurt. I watched this with my wife, she kept saying she was going to be very unhappy if it did not have a happy ending. My point is this, when people make movies that are supposed to be funny, they need to be funny, when people want to make dramadies (dramas that have some funny moments), they should clearly label the DVD case or film poster as such. I give a "C+."


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