Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quantum of Solace

DVD review from The Bleacher Bum

Quantum of Solace

Like most guys, it doesn't take much for me to enjoy a James Bond movie. A cool car, some alluring ladies, a few explosions, a brutal fight, an exciting chase sequence and dame Judi Dench are about all I need. If the movie has a good plot and some witty dialogue, then it instantly becomes a James Bond classic. Quantum of Solace has all the aforementioned ingredients. James Bond (Daniel Craig) uncovers a global conspiracy by a well-funded organization named Quantum. Quantum is trying to control the majority of Earth's most treasured resource . . . water, not oil. Quantum also frequently converts CIA and MI-6 operatives into traitorous murderers.

As in Casino Royale, Craig is really good as Bond. He is very skilled and athletic at the physical stunts while being deft and cunning at Bond's mental side. Bond also has a personal vendetta that he is trying to fulfill while saving the world. The movie traverses the globe, showcases lovely ladies and keeps the action movie at a breakneck pace. Quantum of Solace exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed the ride on land, in the air, on the sea and in the bedroom.

Bleacher Bum Movie Scale: homerun, triple, double, single, strikeout

Quantum of Solace: Stand-up Double without a throw


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movie claimed to be one of the biggest hit of 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It is an action movie. Highly thrilled,dramatic.Its the second movie of Daniel Craig as James Bond.
Really done a nice job!!!!!!!!!!!Try it. Hope you will enjoy it.Just work on Download movie Quantum of solace

7:13 AM  

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