Thursday, May 22, 2003

A book review from The Movie Snob:

The Moviegoer, by Walker Percy. If ever a book title cried out for a review on this blog, The Moviegoer, winner of the 1962 National Book Award, is obviously it. The novel is set in New Orleans during roughly a week around Mardi Gras time. The protagonist is Jack "Binx" Bolling, a young investment broker on the verge of his 30th birthday. If he ever had a sense of purpose in life, he lost it some time ago, and now he simply drifts, trying to keep his ennui at bay by the expedients of moviegoing and conducting affairs with his secretaries. Yet even he cannot help but be touched by feeling for some of the people around him -- his wheelchair-bound and sickly half-brother Lonnie, and his even more malaise-stricken step-cousin Kate. A lot of people really love this book, as the reviews on indicate, and I liked it very much even though I am not particularly susceptible to the postmodern despair described so well in the book.


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