Monday, February 02, 2004

A book review from the Movie Snob:

Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. If you are like me, you have probably never heard of Richard Yates. I had never heard of him until I read a book review of a new biography about him. The reviewer had a lot of good things to say about Yates's writing, so I sought out this, his first novel, which was published in 1961. I was not disappointed, finding it exceedingly well-written. The novel is set circa 1955. Frank and April Wheeler are an attractive 30-ish married couple living in a Connecticut suburb of New York City with their two small children. Their marriage has curdled, and they feel trapped in a banal suburban existence unworthy of their superior intelligence and sophistication. Frank has a do-nothing middle-management job in the city that he purports to despise, and April apparently does next to nothing as a housewife. Can they break free of their spiritual malaise? Do they have the inner resources to do it? Find out, and enjoy some truly fine writing in the process.


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