Wednesday, August 25, 2004

From the desk of The Movie Snob:

Code 46 (D-). I invited some folks from work to see this movie with me last night. Thank heaven none of them took me up on it, because it was terrible. It is set in the near future, and Tim Robbins plays an insurance investigator assigned to go to Shanghai and find out who is forging or stealing travel passes from a mega-corporation called The Sphinx. (Apparently in the future, no one can travel without one of these passes, called papelles, which are basically some sort of travel insurance.) In Shanghai (where everyone basically speaks English, but with lots of words from various other languages thrown in), Robbins quickly figures out that Samantha Morton's character, Maria Gonzales, is the thief, but he inexplicably falls in love with her (despite his wife and child back home) and doesn't turn her in. Consequences ensue. Almost everything about this movie annoyed me. The sound quality was terrible, so I couldn't understand a bunch of the dialogue. Robbins and Morton had no chemistry. And while most of the movie is just dull or annoying, there is at least one startling scene that is unexpectedly and revoltingly misogynistic. Avoid this movie.


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