Saturday, September 25, 2004

From the desk of The Movie Snob:

Bright Young Things (B). A couple of things led me to check out this British production. First, it’s based on a story by Evelyn Waugh, who also wrote one of my favorite novels, Brideshead Revisited. Second, the movie stars actress Emily Mortimer, whom I found cute and competent in Lovely and Amazing. Anyhoo, This movie is about a gang of idle and unserious young Brits in pre-WWII London, and their wild parties are depicted with great energy and flair. But there is an obvious counter-current of sadness at work, particularly in the lives of the film’s two protagonists, the impecunious Adam and the flighty Nina. They seem to intend to get married, but Adam assumes he must continually defer the happy day until he can make his fortune, which always just eludes his grasp. Gradually, reality starts to catch up with the "bright young things," with interesting results. I liked it.


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