Monday, January 10, 2005

A video review from Movie Man Mike:

Noi Albinoi (C+):

This was an indie rental I picked up at Premier Video last weekend. [If you haven't been to Premier, you gotta try it. You can easily spend an hour just looking through their selections of movies]. Noi is the main character in this film. Noi is a gifted boy, whose intelligence and lack of discipline result in boredom with school, which in turn causes him to be expelled from his school. Noi dreams of escaping the cold wasteland of Iceland and moving to a warmer climate. After Noi is expelled from school, his father gets him a job as a grave-digger. Imagine digging graves in permafrost. It was enough to drive Noi over the edge. After Noi goes on a rampage and tries to escape Iceland with his girlfriend, Iris, he winds up losing everyone he knows and cares about to an avalanche. This is a slow-moving film, with some beautiful frozen scenery and some humorous characters. Overall, I was a little disappointed with the ending, but that feeling may be my American expectation of having everything tied up in a nice neat little story.


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