Sunday, May 15, 2005

A review from The Movie Snob:

Forces of Nature (IMAX) (B). This is not the disastrous romantic comedy of a few years ago starring Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck; rather, it is a movie about disasters of a natural rather than cinematic sort. In this movie (seen with the parents at Arkansas’s only IMAX theater), National Geographic delivers up close and personal looks at three kinds of natural disasters: volcanoes, earthquakes, and tornadoes. The first segment is the best because it has actual footage of exploding, erupting volcanoes, focusing on one in the Caribbean called Montserrat. The segment about earthquakes focuses on Turkey and the research of a scientist who has discovered a westerly trend of major earthquakes along a particular fault line; that trend is coming dangerously close to Istanbul. No footage of an actual earthquake, but plenty from the aftermath of a massive quake that hit the city of Izmit only a few years ago. The last segment, about tornadoes, features some pretty remarkable footage as well. An interesting way to spend 40 minutes.


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