Tuesday, October 25, 2005

From The Movie Snob:

Elizabethtown (D+). I am sorry to report that the newest Cameron Crowe movie is not good. I liked Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous a lot, but this flick, which plays like a warmed-over Garden State, is a sprawling mess. Orlando Bloom plays Drew Baylor, a West Coast yuppie who is sunk deep in depression as the movie opens. He has botched a huge project at work, and he is about to get fired. His funk is interrupted, however, by the news that his father has died suddenly while visiting family in (Elizabethtown) Kentucky. His mother and sister are too broken up to handle the funeral arrangements, so Drew goes to Kentucky by himself. On the red eye to Louisville, he meets a psychotically perky flight attendant named Clare (Kirsten Dunst), who stays in touch with (i.e., stalks) him for the rest of the movie. I suppose the movie is supposed to be a meditation on the bond between fathers and sons, as well as a romantic sort-of comedy about Drew and Clare, but it just doesn't work. The father-and-son part of the movie is too maudlin, and the romance is too annoying. Go back and watch Say Anything again instead of wasting your time on this one.


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