Superman Returns
The triumphant return of A View From Mars
Superman Returns (A-) It may be egotistically fitting that my first review in a long, long time coincides with this particular movie. First, let me say that this movie, more than any other in recent memory, took me back to my childhood. From the opening credits to the last shot of Superman, I had a smile on my face that still reappears as I write this and is highly attributable not only to this movie, but to my high regards to the Superman mythology. By now you know the plot revolves around Superman (Brandon Routh) returning from his 5 year hiatus, Lex (Kevin Spacey) doing what he does best and Lois (Kate Bosworth) taking on the role of motherhood. Routh pulls of the titular role and at times it’s almost surreal in his channeling of Christopher Reeve. I won’t get into the plot details, but much is made that this movie could very well be part 3 (in director Bryan Singer’s mind, the original part 3 and 4 never existed…Quest for Peace or Richard Pryor anyone?) and the subtle tributes to the first 2 originals is a nice touch. Is the film flawless? No, but then again, what movie is, especially for a comic book adaptation in which one has to suspend disbelief that a man can fly. For this reviewer, I recommend this movie and overall, I think this film reminds me why it is that I love movies as much as I do.