Movie review from The Movie Snob
Earth (B+). It pains me to say it, but all nature documentaries are starting to look a little bit alike to me. This is a good one, to be sure, spanning the globe from Arctic to Antarctic, but I couldn't avoid a little feeling that it was all stuff I had seen before. Actually, I had seen part of it before; I have watched the first episode of the TV miniseries Planet Earth, and some of the footage of the great wildlife migration across the Kalihari Desert is used in the movie. I don't know how much more footage from the TV show got recycled for the movie, but it could be quite a bit. Anyway, the movie is certainly well done. There shouldn't be too much in here to upset little kids, as most of the scenes of predators catching their prey are cut just before the blood starts to flow. The camera does linger on a couple of great white sharks leaping out of the water with seals in their mouths, but even then there's no blood to be seen.
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