Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

From the desk of The Movie Snob

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (C+). I should stop reviewing these things because I am sure nobody in the vast throng of people that watch these movies agrees with me. Nevertheless, the critic must attend to his duty. I think I liked this installment a tiny bit better than some of the earlier ones because of the romantic subplots that are developing as the young wizards start to grow up. Those stories were entertaining enough. The heavy stuff about the terrifying evil wizard Voldemort and the effects-heavy battles that advance (?) that plot just leave me cold. Also, I was confused by the arc of this movie -- it seemed like the big question was whether Harry was going to be able to get some big secret out of Hogwarts' newest professor, but then it sort of sounded like Dumbledore had already guessed, or at least half-guessed, the facts that were being concealed. Oh well. I will add that Helena Bonham Carter seems perfect for her role as one of the evil henchmen.


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