Tuesday, June 15, 2004

From guest reviewer Jeff N.:

Supersize Me

Wow. This movie made me laugh, cry, and close my eyes. I will describe it as follows: it is 60 Minutes meets MTV, it is Dateline on Crack, it is news made interesting, it is McDonald's worst nightmare. Let me summarize the movie in one short sentence: "McDonald's makes us all fat - McDonald's is the Devil." While I question some of the ... if A, then B, then C, then D logic of the director/writer/actor/autobiographer/documentarian ... I do not question the time, energy, and creativity that went into this project. This is worth going to see. I give it an "A."

House of a 1000 Corpses

I watched this movie last night because I could not sleep. This begs the question of why do you watch a horror movie if you can't sleep, the horror movie only makes it harder for you to sleep. The movie is made more disturbing by the fact that I kept the volume very low so as not to disturb my sleeping wife. In short, Rob Zombie was better off making music. His hollow attempt to bring back the slash and bash gore of 70s horror movies ... did well, just that. It brought back the slash and bash gore of 70s horror movies. Really, wouldn't his time have been better spent bring back some of the other great movie types from the 70s, e.g. Gary Coleman movies, Hot Stuff, Stripes, Smokey and the Bandit, Canonball Run, and all those beach bunny movies. Still this movie made me very uncomfortable, which means it did what Mr. Zombie wanted it to. If the thought of a remake of animator, night of the living dead, and texas chainsaw massacre excite you and you like watching very sick, demented television, then I recommend this movie. I give it a "C."


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