Monday, June 07, 2004

From That Guy Named David:

Paycheck (C)
On weekends in which the girlfriend is not in town, I tend to rent movies which have zero chance of being shown should she be around. And for the most part, they consist of mindless, shoot 'em ups that add nothing to my daily existence but manage to mildly entertain me for a couple of hours. Paycheck is no exception. The plot of this movie has more than a few holes in it, but it's an interesting enough premise to keep you somewhat entertained. As for the acting, well… I'll admit that having Uma in it did make me more attracted to this movie; however, after watching it, I have no idea what she was thinking. For example, when you are riding on the back of a motorcycle being chased by a half dozen or so cars full of bad guys, I'm not sure it's realistic that you would be making corny jokes. As for the other lead, Ben Affleck (of Bennifer fame), let's just say that I think he is possibly one of the most overpaid actors in Hollywood (he's nipping at Keanu's heals right now). He is simply horrible in this movie. All in all, though, between 5 and 7 on Sunday when the options were (1) work, (2) Playstation, (3) Pepsi Smash on the WB, and (4) this movie, I was okay with the decision to watch this one.


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