New review from The Movie Snob:
Grizzly Man (B). Another documentary, this movie is about the life and death of a man named Timothy Treadwell. Treadwell became something of a celebrity (even appearing on David Letterman) because for 13 years in a row he spent the summer living near--very near--and filming wild grizzly bears in Alaska. He collected over 100 hours of video footage before he and his girlfriend Amy were killed by a bear in fall 2003. In this film, documentarian Werner Herzog intersperses Treadwell's own footage with Herzog's interviews with the people who knew Treadwell best, including his own parents. It's undoubtedly an interesting movie, and some of Treadwell's footage of the bears is pretty amazing, but I also found it sad, disturbing, and a little exploitative. Treadwell became a bear fanatic only after a near-fatal period of alcoholism and drug abuse, and in the extensive video footage he shot of himself he really comes across as mentally ill. It's a tough one to grade -- a well-made movie that nevertheless left a sour taste in my mouth.
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