Sunday, October 30, 2005

From the desk of The Movie Snob:

Prime (C). This new movie starring Meryl Streep and Uma Thurman must be classified, I suppose, as a romantic comedy. The film is, however, relatively short on the comedy side; if you have seen the previews, you have already seen most of the funny stuff (and you already know something that the movie insists on treating as a surprise, albeit one revealed after only 20 minutes or so). So the romantic/dramatic side of the film has to do most of the work, and it is not particularly successful. The set-up is this: Rafi (Thurman) is 37, and she is an emotional wreck, largely due, we are led to believe, to her impending divorce. But no sooner is she divorced than she starts a whirlwind romance with aspiring artist David (Bryan Greenberg), who appears to be her soulmate but for the inconvenient fact that he is only 23. Streep provides most of the comic relief as Rafi’s therapist. The funny bits are reasonably amusing, but the romance never really takes off. I can’t quite put my finger on why that is—maybe because Thurman’s character is underdeveloped, maybe because Greenberg isn’t particularly charismatic. I did find the movie somewhat thought-provoking on the whole age-difference business, perhaps because I happen to be 37 myself. What would it be like, I wondered, to date a 23-year-old? To the movie’s credit, it tries to deal with that issue fairly seriously. It’s not great, but there are plenty of worse movies out there.


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