Monday, July 05, 2004

From The Movie Snob:

Ocean Wonderland (IMAX) (C-). As a kid, I was fascinated by the Jacques Cousteau specials that were shown on PBS from time to time, and I try to catch similar documentaries when they hit the big screen. (For example, see my recent reviews of Dolphins and Coral Reef.) For some reason, these big-screen films about marine life almost never recapture the magic of those old Jacques Cousteau reruns. Maybe it's because Jacques never hesitated to film the scuba divers interacting with the ocean critters, and the narrator would explain what they were doing and why, creating something like a plot to follow. But movies like Ocean Wonderland have no human element and feature too-long shots of the same fish or coral reefs without much of anything happening. It's in 3D, and the 3D effects were decent. But in the end, it left me cold.

The 24th Day (C+) This is not a movie that I was really wanting to see, but a friend who's in love with one of the stars (apparently from the TV show "Felicity") wanted to see it. It's basically a long conversation between two guys over the course of two nights and the day in between. But this is no Before Sunrise, because the principal topic of conversation is HIV. It's not "riveting," like it was described in one review I saw, but it was sort of interesting. Better than Ocean Wonderland, in any event.


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