Monday, June 28, 2004

A View From Mars:

Fahrenheit 9/11 (B) With a new baby in tow, the little time I get to join the outside world, I decided to take in Michael Moore's new film. I think everybody knows what this documentary is about, so I'll spare the press kit summary and go ahead and declare this more of a propaganda piece on the Bush administration than just sheer simple movie fun. Michael Moore is a hot or cold subject in that I know some friends that simply didn't see Bowling for Columbine because they can't stand the guy. That being said, it's a tough sell when there is already a predetermined bias against the guy. I can say that I like Michael Moore enough but don't always agree with everything he says. Despite all the compelling footage, you still have to realize that this was cut and edited to lean a certain way and it's no secret that Moore would love to see Bush out of office. I wouldn't doubt that the DVD release of this movie comes out around September, just in time for the election. It would be sad to evaluate one's vote against a man solely on what is contained in this documentary even though "W" has done a good job on his own convincing America of this very thing. Without dipping too far into the political intricacies which are sure to appear in other reviews elsewhere, I recommend this flick for its overall "one man's message" and it's importance in topic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This movie goes to show what a farce campaign finance reform is. If you're Michael Moore, you can spend millions on a 90-minute political commercial against George Bush & probably win an Academy Award for it. But if you're not, you'll go to jail if you make too large a campaign contribution to the party of your choice. So much for the First Amendment.

7:55 AM  

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