Wednesday, July 14, 2004

From That Guy Named David:

Fahrenheit 9/11 (B)

I agree with the vast majority of Mario's review from a few weeks back, but I'll give my two cents. I thought Moore hurt his credibility to an extent by starting the movie with about 30-45 minutes of conspiratory theory regarding the Bush family and the Saudis. the Bin Ladens gave some money to some oil companies tied to some former Bush companies and they know/work with some people who the Bushes know and blah, blah, blah... it just got too much like the idiotic right-wing conspiracies that were made up about Clinton in the past decade (ex. good Christian Jerry Falwell's video outlining all the "Clinton killings"). That being said, when the movie shifted its focus to the current debacle the President has gotten us into in Iraq, I thought Moore did a great job with the images, the interviews with soldiers/families/politicians, etc. A couple of moments in the movie that I thought were very well done and showcased 2 of the moments in the past 3 years that I believe display the arrogance/ignorance of the current President: (1) Moore uses the pure-political photo op of George W. flying onto the aircraft carrier with the big banner behind him declaring "Mission Accomplished" and puts the footage to the music from Greatest American Hero (one of the best t.v. theme songs ever in my opinion). After focusing on this coverage and the speech declaring an end to "major combat" in Iraq (with the great music), Moore immediately shifts to subsequent war footage from Iraq (the most powerful of which is two U.S. soldiers walking along a sidewalk when a bomb goes off right next to the soldiers). Horrible footage, but it illustrates what all rational people in this country (other than our President and his speechwriters) should have been thinking after our forces swept through the country in a couple of weeks (i.e., the invasion was the beginning, not the end of what is going to know turn out to be a very long and very bloody occupation of that country). Bush does look pretty presidential in that flight suit, though. (2) On the same line of thought, there is a clip of Bush's idiotic "Bring 'em on" comment when things began to go bad after the "end of major combat," and Moore then shifts the footage to some of the many instances over there of the enemies of this country "bringing it on." Pretty powerful film. However, if you go in knowing that Moore is using this as a campaign ad to get rid of Bush (yes Greg, I agree with your comment), then you will know what to expect and see the movie for what it is,... a propaganda piece meant to inflame opinion against the current administration, but done very well and filled with many stories/comments/footage that make you think twice about the current direction of the foreign policy of this country. Of course, if you go in believing everything that you see (like the guy sitting behind me in the theater), then you might as well also believe the Bush campaign ad currently showing in all battleground states that (falsely) claims that John Kerry wants to raise the gasoline tax by 50 cents. Just my thoughts.


Blogger Greg said...

David and I don't agree on much, but I'm glad to see that we do agree on one important issue -- the greatness of the theme song from The Greatest American Hero.

7:36 AM  

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